Week of 1/8/24

*We are a strongman gym, so I have access to some equipment you may not. I will try to provide suggestions on alternatives, but feel free to ask questions*

MONDAY, 1/8/24


Conditioning – 10 min EMOM

-       Sandbag carry x50ft @60%

Strength – 6 Rds

-       Deadlifts x2 @80%

-       Plank x60s

-       Sprint x200ft

-       Rest x90s

Assistance – 3 Rds

-       Front Squat x5 (HEAVY)

-       Walking Lunges x8

-       Russian Twists x15e

-       Rest x90s


TUESDAY, 1/9/24


Conditioning – 10 min EMOM

-       Circus Db Clean & Press x3 @60%

·      Clean every rep, alternate arms every set

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Weighted pullups x3

-       Strict Press x5 (HEAVY)

-       Face Pulls x20

-       Banded External Rotations x10

-       Rest x90s

Assistance – 3 Rds

-       DB Man Makers x5

-       Plyo Pushups x10

-       Tricep Pushdowns x15

-       Flutter Kicks x30s


WEDNESDAY, 1/10/24


Conditioning – 12 min EMOM

-       Min 1: run -OR- bike -OR- row

-       Min 2: goblet squat x15

-       Min 3: pushups x15

(repeat 4x)

·      Finisher: Pullups x10

Conditioning – 8 min AMRAP

-       Thrusters x8

-       Burpees x8

-       BW Squats x8

·      Finisher: Box Jumps x25


THURSDAY, 1/11/24


Strength – 4 Rds

-       Burpee Broad Jumps x100ft

-       Squats x8 @70%

-       Leg Raises x10

-       Rest x2 min

Assistance – 3 Rds

-       Bulgarian Split Squats x6e

-       Leg Raises x10

-       KB Swings x20

-       Rest x90s


-       Back Peddle Sled Drag x100ft

-       Squats x max reps in time it took to complete drag

·      Repeat until you total 100 squats


FRIDAY, 1/12/24


Conditioning – deck of cards workout

-       Hearts: Sumo Deadlift High Pull

-       Spades: Burpee Lateral Jumps

-       Diamonds: KB/Db Snatches

-       Clubs: Floor Press

·      Do the number of reps shown on the card, exercise is determined by the suite

·      Face cards are 10, Aces 11

Strength – 6 Rds

-       SA Db Row x10e

-       Bench x2 @80%

-       Banded Crunches x10

-       Rest x90s


Week of 1/15/24


Week of 1/1/24