Week of 1/15/24

*We are a strongman gym, so I have access to some equipment you may not. I will try to provide suggestions on alternatives, but feel free to ask questions*

MONDAY, 1/15/24


Conditioning – Tabata

-       Hollow Rocks (20s)

-       Pushups (10s)

Speed – 12 min EMOM

-       Deadlifts x4 @60%

Strongman – Work up to New Max

-       Farmer’s Carry x50ft (new max)

-       Goblet Squat x15

-       Pullups x5

-       Jumping Lunges x20

Strongman – 12 min EMOM

-       Farmer’s Carry x100ft @60%


TUESDAY, 1/16/24


Conditioning – 3 Rds (10 min time cap)

-       Bear Walk Forward/Backward x50ft

-       Gator Walk Forward/Backward x50ft

-       Crab Walk Forward/Backward x50ft

Strength – 3 Rds

-       Bent-over Row x8 (HEAVY)

-       Bb Push Press x8 @70%

-       Windshield Wipers x8e

-       Battle Ropes x30s

-       Rest x90s

Assistance – 20,15,10

-       CG Bench Press @55%

-       KB Swings


WEDNESDAY, 1/17/24

Wave 1/Week2/Day3

Conditioning – 15 min AMRAP

-       Pullups x10

-       Burpees x10

-       BW Squats x10

·      Finisher: Jump Rope 2 min (after you finish the 15 min AMRAP)

Conditioning – 10 min EMOM

-       Deadlifts x10 (light)

-       Bicycle Crunches x30

·      Finisher: Run x800m (after you finish the 10 min EMOM)


THURSDAY, 1/18/24


Conditioning – 10 min EMOM

-       Burpees x5

-       BW Squats x10

-       Pushups x10

-       Mtn Climbers x30 (15e)

-       Jumping Jacks x30

·      Do burpees in min 1, BW squats in min 2, etc…repeat 2x for total of 10 min

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Box Jumps x4

-       Squat x2 @80%

-       Jump rope x60s

·      Rest 90s

Assistance – 3 Rds

-       Front Squat x8 @60%

-       Db Deadlifts x8

-       Dragon Flags x8

·      Rest 90s

Mindset Finisher – 3 Rds

-       Sled Sprint x200ft

-       Burpee Pullups x10-8-6

·      Drop 2 reps off the burpee pullups each rd

FRIDAY, 1/19/24


Conditioning – 40s work/20s rest & rotate to next exercise, 3 Rds, 1 min rest btwn rds

-       KB Swings

-       Jumping Lunges

-       DB Renegade Rows

-       Sit-ups

-       Bench Dips

-       Med Ball Slams

-       Knees to Elbows

-       BW Man Makers

-       Box Jumps

-       Sledgehammer Swings

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Pendlay Rows x5 (HEAVY)

-       Bench x2 @80%

-       Ab Rollouts x10

·      Rest 90s


Week of 1/22/24


Week of 1/8/24