Week of 1/22/24

*We are a strongman gym, so I have access to some equipment you may not. I will try to provide suggestions on alternatives, but feel free to ask questions*

MONDAY, 1/22/24


Conditioning – 4 Rds

-       Deadlifts x8 @70%

-       Burpees x8

Assistance – 3 Rds

-       Good Mornings x10

-       Walking Lunges x100ft

-       Bear Walk x200ft

·       Rest 90s

Strongman – 3 Rds

-       4 stones over bar/to height, heavy -> light

·       60s time limit, stones 1, 2 & 3 are done for singles reps, stone 4 is max reps in remaining time

·       Can be performed with sandbags, med balls, or kegs if you don’t have stones


TUESDAY, 1/23/24


Conditioning – 10 min EMOM

-       Min 1: pullups x1, burpees x2, pushup x3, mtn climbers x4

-       Min 2: pullups x2, burpees x4, pushups x6, mtn climbers x8

-       Min 3: pullups x3, burpees x6, pushups x9, mtn climbers x12

-       Min 4: pullups x4, burpees x8, pushups x12, mtn climbers x16

-       Min 5: pullups x5, burpees x10, pushups x15, mtn climbers x20

-       Min 6: pullups x5, burpees x10, pushups x15, mtn climbers x20

-       Min 7: pullups x4, burpees x8, pushups x12, mtn climbers x16

-       Min 8: pullups x3, burpees x6, pushups x9, mtn climbers x12

-       Min 9: pullups x2, burpees x4, pushups x6, mtn climbers x8

-       Min 10: pullups x1, burpees x2, pushup x3, mtn climbers x4

·       If you can’t keep up with the clock, start working your way back down

Strength – 6 Rds

-       Weighted Pullups/Chin-ups x3

-       Bb Split Jerks x2 @80%

-       Side Plank x30s/each side

·       Rest 90s

Assistance – 3 Rds

-       Z-press x10 (as HEAVY as possible)

-       Close-grip Pushups x10

-       Triceps Pushdown x15


WEDNESDAY, 1/24/24


Conditioning – 10 min AMRAP

-       Row x25 calories -OR- Run x400m

-       Thrusters x10

-       Box Jumps x10

·       Finisher: Row x500m after the 10 minutes end

Conditioning – 12 min AMRAP

-       Run x400m

-       Jump Squats x15

-       Pushups x15

·       Finisher: Run x800m after the 12 minutes end


THURSDAY, 1/25/24


Conditioning – Bring Sally Up

-       Burpees

·       “Bring Sally Up” = stand & jump

·       “Bring Sally Down” = drop down and hold pushup position

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Front Squats x3 (HEAVY)

-       Ab Rollouts x10

-       Sandbag Carry x50ft (HEAVY)

·       Rest 90s

Speed – EMOM

-       Squat/Leg Press @60% of squat 1rm

·       Min 1: 2 reps

·       Min 2: 4 reps

·       Keep adding 2 reps every minute until you can’t keep up with the clock


FRIDAY, 1/26/24



-       Pullups x100

-       Pushups x150

-       Sit-ups x225

-       Squats x300

-       Burpees x75

·       If you’ve got training partner’s, perform in teams of 3, your team must reach a combined total of the reps listed for each exercise

·       If you’re training along divide it all by 3 and get those reps in as few rounds as possible

Speed – 10 min EMOM

-       Bench x3 @60%

-       Hollow Rocks x12


-       Any event you want to work on or missed during the week


Week of 2/5/24 - NATS PREP


Week of 1/15/24