
Results of 12 week dieting phase

Amelia H.

Remote Coaching Client

What was the problem you needed to solve? Or in other words, why were you looking for a coach?

- I was looking for a coach to help me take my fitness goals to the next level, which included fat loss and muscle growth.

Why did you choose the business that you did?

- I chose Gabe as my coach because of his experience and knowledge of training. As a client, a coach that I feel comfortable being open and honest with is very important to me. Not only is Gabe well informed and confident in what he prescribes for my protocol, he is accessible and available to answer any and all questions I have which is a crucial part of a successful client/coach relationship.

How did they help you solve your problem?

- Gabe worked with me in first identifying what my goals were, and created an action plan to work towards my goals in short- and long-term perspectives. I appreciate the level of attention to detail and care I have received in working with Gabe, I feel as though he takes the time to learn about my body and tailors my programming as such. His level of investment in me as a client has been a major factor in reaching my goals.

How was their solution unique?

- His solution was unique in that my training and nutrition is specific to me and my goals, rather than a standard one-size-fits-all plan. This level of attentiveness is instrumental to success as a client, having a coach that treats every client as an individual demonstrates his competence in working with clients with various needs.

What did you like about their approach or delivery?

- The interface of the coaching app used is easy to navigate and very helpful. I am easily able to access my training plan for the week, track my nutrition, and communicate with my coach.

How would you summarize the experience as a whole?

- My experience thus far being coached by Gabe has exceeded my expectations. I feel heard and seen as a client and that the effort I am putting in is matched by him as a coach. He is attentive and considers my mental health as well, not just physical, and it is clear that he always has my best interest in mind as a client. Working with Gabe has given me confidence I never believed I had in myself, and I am beyond happy with the results I have had so far and I can’t wait to keep working with him to continue reaching my goals.

Would you recommend the business to others? If so, why?

- I absolutely would recommend Gabe for anyone looking for guidance with their fitness goals.

Landry Dixon

Hybrid In-person/Remote Coaching

What was the problem you needed to solve? Or in other words, why were you looking for a coach?

- When I decided to start looking for a coach, my fitness goal was to lose body fat, while also maintaining/gaining muscle mass. I was looking for someone that had a good knowledge of both fitness and nutrition.  

Why did you choose the business that you did?

- I chose Invictum Strength & Performance because of my initial phone call with Coach Gabe. In just a 5 minute call, I could tell that he was a coach that would genuinely care about the goals I wanted to achieve. He made it clear that he was going to be very locked in and make sure that I get something worthwhile from training with him.

How did they help solve your problem? 

- Coach Gabe helped me with my fitness goals in a multitude of ways. He’s very knowledgeable about both nutrition and exercise. I don’t think I’ve ever asked him a question that he hasn’t been able to answer about both. Also, he makes training fun. Gabe does a great job at pushing me, while also joking around. The experience at his gym makes me feel good about working out and pushes me to do it outside his studio, as well.

How was their solution unique? 

- I think the most unique part about training with Coach Gabe is the level of attentiveness and care he puts into helping you achieve whatever goal you have.

What did you like about their approach or delivery?

- I love how Coach Gabe tailors his training around what you’re receptive to. He knows that the best way to push me is to positively encourage me, so he’ll coach me specific to that verbage/environment. Also, Coach Gabe is more than willing to answer any “why” I might have about an exercise or nutrition tip, which I really appreciate.

How would you summarize the experience as a whole? 

- My experience with Coach Gabe at ISP has been the best fitness decision I’ve ever made. I’ve been training with him for over a year now, and I’m incredibly grateful to have found a trainer as personable and knowledgeable as Gabe. I personally drive 45 minutes each way because ISP is simply worth the time. The environment that he creates in his gym, paired with the quality of the workout, is unmatched. He has not only helped me with my personal goals, but pushed me to establish new ones. I competed in my first Strongman competition, all under Coach Gabe’s training, which is something I never thought I would do. As an overall experience, I feel that I got very lucky meeting Coach Gabe and being able to train with him.

Would you recommend the business to others? If so, who?

- I would absolutely recommend ISP to anybody that is on any type of fitness journey or that is training for specific events/sports. As broad as it sounds, Coach Gabe 100% has the knowledge to tailor workouts and nutritional advice to each individual.

John & Sarah Scales

In-Person Clients

What was the problem you needed to solve? Or in other words, why were you looking for a coach? 

- With four kids, it was hard to keep a consistent schedule and we wanted to find a coach who would keep us accountable.

Why did you choose the business that you did?

- We had met Gabe a few years ago, and knew his professionalism and knowledge were just what we needed.   

How did they help solve your problem? 

- Gabe does a great job always changing up our workouts so we never get bored.  He keeps great records and is always pushing us to challenge ourselves with new weights and techniques.

What did you like about their approach or delivery?  

- Gabe always makes the workouts fun and challenging.   He incorporates our individual goals and adapts to the situation that day (which sometimes includes incorporating our kids into the workout!).

How would you summarize the experience as a whole? 

- It is always a positive experience when we attend our sessions and always feel better when we finish.  

Would you recommend the business to others? If so, who?

- Absolutely!  We have referred several friends who have seen the same successes we have.

What was the problem you needed to solve? Or in other words, why were you looking for a coach?

- I had been looking for a coach to take me to the next level. I'd been working out all my life, but I wanted to be trained by someone who could help me lose the last of the weight I wanted to lose, get more definition, and gain more strength. I was getting older, and it was harder to maintain my body. I was also recovering from open-heart surgery to repair an aneurysm, and I wanted to get back to where I was prior to surgery.

Why did you choose the business that you did?

- I met Gabe a few years prior when a friend took me with her to work out. I really enjoyed his workouts. I started following him and reading his posts and articles. My goal was to work with him one day, and the long recovery from open-heart surgery pushed me to take that next step.

How did they help solve your problem?

- When I first started training with Gabe, we had to take things slow with weight training. After surgery I had to wait 12 weeks before I could do any weight training. And when I started back it was difficult and scary because I had a 6-inch scar and wires holding my chest together. I couldn't really move much for weeks after surgery, and my mobility was compromised for months. So I was really cautious in my first sessions with Gabe. He worked with me to help me increase my range of motion and give me confidence again in lifting. Today, two years post-surgery, I'm lifting heavier than I ever have and just completed my first strongman competition.

How was their solution unique?

- When we first talked, Gabe and I discussed how to first work my way back to where I was before heart surgery and then how to take it to the next level once I got there. He incorporated the right exercises into my training program to build me back up, both in my weight training and cardio level.

What did you like about their approach or delivery?

- Gabe was not like, "We're gonna go from 0 to 10 in a few weeks." He knew my recovery from such a major surgery would take time, and he didn't push me to rush it. Gabe was very thoughtful in his approach to my training program. He made sure each week we were building on what we did the previous week. By doing this, it helped me fully recover, probably more quickly than most faced with the same surgery. And, in the end, I didn't realize how those little steps brought me such big gains.

How would you summarize the experience as a whole?

- I would not be where I am today if it weren't for Gabe. I'm a very motivated, dedicated person. I don't need someone to push me to work out. But having Gabe push me in my training and share his knowledge - not only about weightlifting but nutrition - has taken me to a level I wouldn't think I would be at at age 52.

Would you recommend the business to others? If so, who?

- Gabe can work with anyone at any level. He understands the hard-core athlete (like the longtime fitness enthusiast or high school athlete) who wants to improve their performance to the busy mom who wants to shed weight and just look better. He can tailor a workout program for anyone to meet their goals.

Your experience switching to strongman and competing in your first meet after being a competitive runner for so long

- I have been weight training and running for over 25 years. I was a competitive runner, racing in 5k, 10k and half marathons. Once I started working out with Gabe, he began introducing some strongman-type workouts into my weekly plan. I LOVED IT! I really looked forward to his workouts each week. When he asked if I would be interested in doing a strongman competition, I was in! We only had 10 weeks to train for my first one, but Gabe worked me up to where I could lift a 125-lb. stone and deadlift 225 lbs. Not something I ever thought I could achieve! Even though I didn't perform as well as I would have liked in my first showing, I'm already looking forward to my next competition in the fall.

Sharon Sullivan

Hybrid In-Person/Remote Coaching Client