Week of 1/1/24

MONDAY, 1/1/24

Testing Week

Conditioning – 3 Rds

-       Hip Circle Side Steps x100ft

-       BW Squats w/ Hip Circle x15

-       BW Walking Lunges x100ft

Strength – 40 min time cap

-       Box Jumps x6

-       Squat x work up to a new 1RM (any variation)

-       Bb Ab Rollouts x6

Volume – 7 min AMRAP

-       Squat x AMRAP @70% of new max

·      Same variation as above, goal is 4 reps/min


-       Atlas Stone x max reps (up to 75)

-       Wall sit

·      Wall sit for as many seconds as a set of squats lasted, start with squats and switch to wall sit when you need a break, when wall sit is finished return to squats, repeat until you’ve totaled 75 squats


TUESDAY, 1/2/24

Testing Week

Conditioning – 20, 15, 10

-       Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

-       Dips

-       Battle Ropes x20s

Strength – 40 min time cap

-       Overhead press x work up to a new 1RM (any variation)

-       Wide-grip Pullups x6

-       Banded Twists x20s

Assistance – 3 Rds

-       Strict Standing Db Press x max reps

-       Dips x max reps

-       Bear Walk x100ft

-       Rest x90s



Testing Week

Conditioning – 15 min AMRAP

-       Pullups x10

-       Deadlifts x10 (light)

-       BW Squats x10

·      Finisher after the 15 min – run x800m

Conditioning – 8 min AMRAP

-       Overhead Squats x8

-       Pushups x8

-       Pullups/Inverted Rows x8

·      Finisher after the 8 min – row x500m


THURSDAY, 1/4/24

Testing Week

Conditioning – 4 Rds

-       Med Ball Clean & Press x30s

-       Burpees x30s

-       Jump Rope x30s

-       Rest x30s

Strongman – 7 min EMOM

-       Yoke x100ft @70%


-       Last one standing Farmer’s Walk

·      Carry farmer’s handles 50ft, drop and switch (if with partner), keep repeating until one person left, no drops allowed during the 50ft run, if alone rest every 50ft and stop once you can’t complete any more


FRIDAY, 1/5/24

Testing Week

Conditioning – 5 Rds, 3 min work/1 min rest

-       Power Cleans x5 (light)

-       BW Man Makers x5

-       Box Jumps x5

-       Floor Press x5 (light)

-       KB Swing x10

·      Go directly from one to the next, if you complete all exercises start back at the top, get as far as possible in 3 min, rest 1 min, start back right where you left off


-       Go for any new PR you’ve been wanting to attempt


Week of 1/8/24


Week of 12/18/23