Week of 12/18/23

*We are a strongman gym, so I have access to some equipment you may not. I will try to provide suggestions on alternatives, but feel free to ask questions*

Monday, 12/18/23


Conditioning – 10 min AMRAP

- Pullups x5

- Pushups x10

- Squats x15

Strength – as many Rds as needed

- Deadlift x1 (work up to a new 1RM)

- Leg Raises x10

- KB/Db Snatches x5e

Volume – 3 Rds

- Deadlift xAMRAP @80%

- Set 2 x5

- Set 3 x5

Assistance – 3 Rds

- Sumo Stance RDL x12

- Good Mornings x10

- Db Rows x10e

Tuesday, 12/19/23


Conditioning – 10 Rds

- Hollow Rocks x20s

- Pushups x10s

Strength – as many rds as needed

- Overhead Press x1 (work up to a new 1RM)

- Pullups x3

- KB Side Bends x8e

- Double Unders x30/Regular Jumps x120

Volume – 3 Rds

- Overhead Press x5 @80%

- Kb Swings x60s

Assistance – Tabata

- Z-Press

Thursday, 12/21/23


Conditioning – 10 min AMRAP

- Tire Flips xAMRAP

Strongman – 5 Rds/5 rds

- Farmer’s Walk x100ft

- Sandbag Carry x100ft

- Atlas Stone Carry (bear hug) x100 ft

• 5 rds


- Zercher Yoke Carry x50ft

• 5 rds

Friday, 12/22/23


Conditioning – 3 Rds

- 40s work/20s rest & rotate to next exercise

• KB Swings

• Jumping Lunges

• Battle Ropes

• Situps

• Dips

• Medicine Ball Squat Throws

• Knees to Elbows

• Burpee Bar Touches

• Box Jumps

• Sledgehammer Swings


Week of 1/1/24


Week of 12/11/23