Week of 12/11/23

*We are a strongman gym, so I have access to some equipment you may not. I will try to provide suggestions on alternatives, but feel free to ask questions*

Monday, 12/11/23



-        3 minutes max reps burpees

-        3 min max reps hollow rocks

-        2 min max reps burpees

-        2 min max reps hollow rocks

-        1 min max reps burpees

-        1 min max reps hollow rocks

Strength – as many rounds as needed

-        Squat x1 (work up to a new 1RM)

-        Double unders x30 -OR- regular jumps x120

Volume – 7 min AMRAP

-        Squat xAMRAP in 7 min @80%

Assistance – Every 20s for 10 min

-        Conventional Deadlift x1 @70%


Tuesday, 12/12/23


Conditioning – Get as far as you can in 12 minutes

-        Clean x1

-        Bw Man-maker x1

·       Add 1 rep to each exercise each rd

Strength – as many rounds as needed

-        Bench x1 (work up to a new 1RM)

-        Leg Raises x6

-        Pendlay Rows x5

Volume – 3 Rds

-        Bench x5 @80%

-        Leg Raises x6

-        Pendlay Row x5

Assistance – 3 Rds

-        Pullups x max reps

-        Pushups x max reps

-        JM Press (light) x max reps


Wednesday, 12/13/23


Conditioning – 10 min EMOM

-        Tire Flip x1

-        Sledgehammer slams remainder of minute

·       Add 1 rep to the tire flip every minute

Strongman – 10 min EMOM, followed by 5 Rds

-        Sandbag carry x150ft

·       THEN

-        Zercher Yoke Carry x50ft (work up to a new max)


Thursday, 12/14/23


Conditioning – 3 Rds

-        Bear Walk x150ft

-        Run x200m

-        Gator Walk x150ft

-        Run x200m

-        Crab Walk x150ft

-        Run x200m

*If you want to do the mock meet this week, stop here. If this is your last workout of the week, keep going*

Strongman – Last man standing Stone to Height/Over Bar

-        Stone to height x3

·       3 reps at each weight before moving on

·       48”

·       THEN

-        Stone to height/over bar x max reps in 60s

·       3 Rds


Friday, 12/15/23


Mock Meet

-        10-15 min warm-up before each event

-        Only one shot at each event

Event 1: Circus DB Clean & Press for reps x60s

·       Clean every rep

Event 2: Max Barbell Deadlift

·       Max of 3 attempts

·       Miss anytime and you’re out

Event 3: Farmer’s Hold x max time

·       Chalk allowed

Event 4: Sandbag Carry Medly

·       Carry Sandbag x50ft, pick up heavier sandbag carry back x50ft

·       60s time limit

·       No shouldering, must carry bearhug style

Event 5: Stone over Bar/to height series, 60s time limit

·       5 stones in ascending weight


Week of 12/18/23


Week of 12/4/23