Week of 12/4/23

*We are a strongman gym, so I have access to some equipment you may not. I will try to provide suggestions on alternatives, but feel free to ask questions*

Monday, 12/4/23


Conditioning – 20,15,10,5 reps

-       Burpees

-       Plate toe touches

-       KB swings

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Sumo Deadlift x1 (work up to new 1RM)

-       KB/Db snatches x5e

-       Ab Rollouts x10 -OR- Inchworms x5

Volume – 3 Rds

-       Sumo Deadlifts xAMRAP @80%

-       Rest x90s


-       Keg/Sandbag/Stone carry x250ft

·      Start with the lightest implement you have, carry 250ft with no drops

·      Every time you successfully complete the walk, move up to the next heaviest implement

·      Stop when you’re not able to complete the full 250ft w/out a break


Tuesday, 12/5/23


Conditioning – 4 Rds

-       Keg/Sandbag/Med ball/Stone Clean & Press x30s

-       Jump Rope x30s

-       BW Man Makers x30s

-       Rest x30s

Strength – Last Man Standing Log Clean & Press

-       Wide-grip Pullups x8

-       Log Clean & Press x1 (working up to a new 1RM)

-       Plank x30-90s DOS (depending on strength, don’t want to gas out on the plank)

Volume – 3 Rds

-       Log Strict Press xAMRAP @80%

-       Wide-grip Pullups x8

Assistance – Tabata

-       Deficit Pushups

·      For an extra push, perform the rest in the “up” position of the pushup


Wednesday, 12/6/23


Conditioning – 10 min EMOM

-       Deadlift x1

-       High Pull x1

-       Power Clean x1

·      Do the entire complex 3x every minute

·      Start w/ an empty bar in minute 1, add weight every rd as long as you’re able to complete 3 reps

Strength – 7 Rds

-       Power Cleans x2 @85%

-       Front Squats x2 @same weight as power clean


Thursday, 12/7/23


Strongman – 10 min EMOM

-       Yoke Walk x100ft @70%

Speed – Every 20s for 10 minutes

-       Squat x1 @55-70%

·      The goal is 30 perfect reps, don’t sacrifice form for speed and don’t sacrifice speed for weight, if you’re not sure what you’re capable of, stick on the lighter end of the range

Mindset – AMRAP in 12 minutes

-       Sled push High Handles x50ft

-       Sled push Low Handles x50ft

·      Get as many rounds in, in 12 minutes


Friday, 12/8/23


Conditioning – 3, 7 min AMRAP

-       Goblet Squats xAMRAP in 7 min

·      Rest 1 min

-       KB Swings xAMRAP in 7 min

·      Rest 1 min

-       KB/Db Snatch xAMRAP in 7 min

Strongman – 5 Rds

-       Circus Db Clean & Press Left hand xAMRAP

-       Farmer’s Walk x100ft

-       Circus Db Clean & Press Right hand xAMRAP

-       Farmer’s Walk x100ft


Week of 12/11/23


Week of 11/27/23