Week of 11/27/23

Monday, 11/27/23


Conditioning – AMRAP in 12 minutes

-       Bear Walk Forward then backwards x50ft

-       Gator Walk Forward then backwards x50ft

-       Crab Walk Forward then Backwards x50ft

-       Banded Side Straddle Walks x100ft

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Pause (3s) Squat x1 (working up to a new 1RM)

-       Leg Raises x10

-       KB Swings x10

Mindset – Squat Dropset

-       70% of today’s top set, do 8 reps, drop weight do 8 more, continue until you’ve done 5 sets or 40 total reps

Assistance – AMRAP in 10 minutes

-       Good mornings x8

-       Walking Lunges x50ft


Tuesday, 11/28/23


Conditioning – 10 min EMOM

-       Atlas Stone/Sandbag Carry x100ft (as heavy as possible)

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Kroc Row Drop Set x8-drop-8-drop-8 (each arm)

-       Close-grip Bench x1 (working up to a new 1RM)

-       Windshield Wipers x8e

Volume – 3 Rds

-       Close-grip Bench x5 @80%

-       Windshield Wipers x8e

Assistance – 3 Rds

-       Neutral-grip Db Bench xAMRAP

-       Dips xAMRAP

-       Triceps Pushdowns xAMRAP


Wednesday, 11/29/30


Conditioning – 7 Rds

-       Tire Flips x5

-       Stone Over Bar x5

-       Db ManMakers x5


Thursday, 11/30/23


Speed – 2, 10 min EMOMs

-       Squat x3 @65%

-       Keg/Sandbag/Stone Clean & Press x2

·       Rest 3 minutes

-       Deadlifts x2 @65% (every 30s for 10 min)

Strongman – 10 min EMOM

-       Minute 1: Stone to shoulder x1/Burpee x1

-       Minute 2: Stone to shoulder x2/Burpee x2

-       Minute 3: Stone to shoulder x3/Burpee x3

-       Minute 4: Stone to shoulder x4/Burpee x4

-       Minute 5: Stone to Shoulder x5/Burpee x5

-       Minute 6: Stone to shoulder x5/Burpee x5

-       Minute 7: Stone to shoulder x4/Burpee x4

-       Minute 8: Stone to shoulder x3/Burpee x3

-       Minute 9: Stone to shoulder x2/Burpee x2

-       Minute 10: Stone to shoulder x1/Burpee x1

Assistance – 3 Rds

-       Lying Hamstring Curls x10

-       Turkish Get-ups x5

-       Flutter Kicks x120


Friday, 12/1/23


Conditioning – Tabatas (complete the full tabata before moving to the next exercise)

-       Farmer’s Holds

·       Rest 1 min

-       Hollow Rocks

·       Rest 1 min

-       Deficit Pushups

·       Rest 1 min

-       Bodyweight Bulgarian Split Squats (switch leg each work period)

·       Rest 1 min

-       Russian Twists

Strongman – 8 Rds

-       Zercher Yoke Carry x50ft @75%


*We are a strongman gym, so I have access to some equipment you may not. I will try to provide suggestions on alternatives, but feel free to ask questions*


Week of 12/4/23


Week of 11/20/23