Week of 11/20/23

Monday, 11/20/23


Conditioning – 10 min EMOM

-       Pullup x1

-       Burpees x2

-       KB Swings x3

-       Jumping Lunges x4 (each leg)

·       Every minute add 1 rep to each exercise, if you can’t keep up w/ the clock start working your way back down

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Deficit (3”) Deadlift x1 (work up to a new 1RM)

-       Sandbag/Stone Clean & Press

-       V-ups x20

Strongman – add/drop set

-       Trap bar deadlift, start @50%, do 6 reps, add an appropriate amount of weight, complete another 6 reps, keep adding weight as long as you can keep getting 6 reps, as soon as you can’t, repeat the jumps back down


Tuesday, 11/21/23


Conditioning – 10 min Time Cap

-       Burpees x3

-       Db Thrusters xAMRAP (100 reps or time cap)

·       Every time you have to let go of the Dbs, do 3 burpees, continue until you’ve totaled 100 reps on the thrusters or run out of time

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Weighted Pullups x3

-       Axle Clean & Press x1 (work up to a new 1RM)

-       KB side bends x10e

Volume – 3 Rds

-       Axle Clean & Press x5 @80%

-       KB side bends x10e

Strongman – 5 Rds

-       Sandbag/stone/object carry x100ft

-       Dif object than above x100ft

-       KB waiter’s walk x100ft


Wednesday, 11/22/23


Conditioning – 15 min AMRAP

-       Pullup x1

-       Tire Flips x3

-       Pushups x5

Strongman – 6 Rds

-       Sled Drag x50ft @ heavy as possible

-       Farmer’s Carry x50ft @ heavy as possible

-       Battle ropes x60s

Conditioning – 15 min AMRAP

-       Pullup x1

-       Tire Flips x3

-       Pushups x5


Thursday, 11/23/23


Speed – 12 min EMOM

-       Squats x3 @50%

-       Box Jumps x3

Assistance – 5 Rds

-       Sumo Stance Romanian Deadlift x5

-       Good Mornings x15

-       Reverse Hyper x10

-       Ab Rollouts x10

Strongman – 5 Rds

-       Farmer’s Walk x100ft (try for BW per hand)

-       Backwards explosive sled drag/row x50ft


Friday, 11/24/23


Conditioning – 8 Rds

-       Sumo Deadlift High Pulls x30s

-       Viper Press x30s

-       Burpees x30s

-       Rest x30s

Strongman – 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

-       Tire Flips

-       Circus Db Clean & Press


*We are a strongman gym, so I have access to some equipment you may not. I will try to provide suggestions on alternatives, but feel free to ask questions*


Week of 11/27/23


Week of 11/13/23