Week of 11/13/23

Monday, 11/13/23


Conditioning – 10,8,6,4,6,8,10

-       Goblet Squat

-       KB Swing

-       Keg/Sandbag/Stone Clean & Press

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Front Squat x1 (work up to a new 1RM, beat what you hit 5 weeks ago)

-       Ab Rollouts x6

Volume – 3 Rds

-       Front Squat x5

-       Box Jumps x6

-       Good Mornings x10

-       Ab Rollout x6

Strongman – 15 min

-       Work up to a heavy stone-to-shoulder in 15 minutes

·       Rest 3 minutes

-       “Sally-Up” w/ stone to shoulder


Tuesday, 11/14/23


Conditioning – 5 Rds

-       Circus Db Clean & Press x5 (left arm)

-       Sandbag Carry x100ft

-       Circus Db Clean & Press x5 (right arm)

-       Sandbag Carry x100ft

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Barbell Bent-over Row x5 (add weight every rd)

-       Floor Press x1 (work up to a new 1RM)

-       Plank x75s


-       Prowler Suicide Sprints, rest 90s, continue until you can’t keep going


Wednesday, 11/15/23


Conditioning – 5 Rds

-       Deadlifts x20

·       Battle Ropes x30s

-       Squat x15

·       Battle Ropes x30s

-       Hang Cleans x10

·       Battle Ropes x30s

·       Rest x90s

Strongman – 4 Rds

-       Backward explosive sled drag/row x50ft

-       Sandbag Carry x50ft


Thursday, 11/16/23


Speed – 10 min EMOM, 10 min AMRAP

-       Squats x3 @60% (EMOM)

·       Rest 3 minutes

-       Max reps Deadlift in 10 minutes @60% (AMRAP)

Strongman – 10 min EMOM, 10 min AMRAP

-       Yoke x50ft @70%

·       Rest 3 minutes

-       Max Effort Farmer’s Hold

-       Lunges

·       Lunge for as long as the Farmer’s Hold Lasted, repeat as often as you can in 10 minutes


Friday, 11/17/23


Conditioning – 3 Rds, 40s work/20s rest

-       KB swings

-       KB snatches (alt arms)

-       Battle Ropes

-       Sit-ups

-       Object Clean & Press

-       Wall Balls

-       Knees to Elbows

-       Burpee Bar Touches

-       Box Jumps

·       Rest x1 min


-       Atlas stone over bar x50reps


*We are a strongman gym, so I have access to some equipment you may not. I will try to provide suggestions on alternatives, but feel free to ask questions*


Week of 11/20/23


Week of 11/6/23