Week of 11/6/23

Monday, 11/6/23


Conditioning – 10 min time cap

-       Med ball (light) over shoulder x100 reps

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Box Squat x1 (work up to a 1RM)

-       Sandbag Carry x100ft

-       Flutter Kicks x30s

Volume – 3 Rds

-       Box Squats x5 @80%

-       Flutter Kicks x30s


-       Max time Farmer’s Hold (Light-135, Heavy-225) per hand

-       Max Rep Burpees

·      Every time you have to rest, switch exercises, keep going until you total 75 burpees


Tuesday, 11/7/23


Conditioning – 15 min time cap

-       Deck of Cards Workout

-       Complete the number of reps based off number on card, face cards+10, aces+11

·      Hearts – BW man-makers

·      Spades – inverted rows

·      Diamonds – sledgehammer swings

·      Clubs – med ball slams

Strength – 5 Rds

-       SA Db Rows x10e

-       Bench x1 (work up to a 1RM)

-       Double Unders x30/Regular Jump Rope x120

Volume – 3 Rds

-       Bench Press x5 @80%

-       Leg Raises x10

-       Double Unders x30/Regular Jump Rope x120

Assistance – 3 Rds

-       Dips x max reps

-       Deficit Pushups x max reps

-       Cable Rope Triceps extensions x max reps


Wednesday, 11/08/23



-       Bb Snatch x1

-       Overhead Squat x1

-       Bb Clean x1

·      Start w/ empty bar, after each rd add 10lbs, rest 1 min, then repeat

·      Continue until it gets too heavy


Thursday, 11/09/23


Speed – 2, 10 min EMOMs

-       Squat x3 @55%

-       BW Jump Squat x5

·      Rest 3 minutes between EMOMs

-       Deadlift x4 @55%

-       Burpees x2

Strongman – 5 Rds

-       Object carry x200ft

-       Wall-sit for as long as it took to complete the carry

·      Can do this with a partner, one does a wall-sit while the other does the carry


Friday, 11/10/23


Conditioning – 6 Rds

-       Start w/ empty bar, don’t put bar down until all reps are completed

·       Bent-over row x8

·       Deadlift x8

·       Hang clean x8

·       Front squat x8

·       Push press x8

·       Lunges x8 (4e)

·       Good Mornings x8

·       Back Squat x8

-       Rest 90s, add weight, go again for 6 Rds

Speed – 10 Rds

·       Every 45s

-       Overhead Press x3 @55%


-       Yoke technique work @65% or LESS


Week of 11/13/23


Week of 10/30/23