Week of 10/30/23

Monday, 10/30/23


Conditioning – 12 min EMOM

-       Odd minutes: max reps KB swing

-       Even minutes: max reps inverted row (any grip)

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Rack pull x1 (build up to a 1RM)

-       Weighted/Bw Plank x60s

Volume – 3 Rds

-       Rack Pull x @80%

-       Good mornings x10

-       Plank x60s

Strongman – 4 Rds

-       Max reps stone to platform in 60s (44”-48”)


Tuesday, 10/31/23


Conditioning – 10 min EMOM

-       pullups x3

-       pushups x5

-       jumping jacks x10

·      side plank remainder of minute

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Weighted Pullup x3 (add weight each Rd)

-       Log Clean & Press x1 (work up to 1RM)

-       KB Windmills x5e

Volume – 3 Rds

-       Max reps Log Clean & Press in 60s @70%

·      1 min rest between rds

Assistance – Tabata

-       Z-press (pick a light weight)


-       Optional technique work on any event


Wednesday, 11/01/23


Conditioning – 8 min AMRAP

-       As many tire flips as possible in 8 minutes (heavy tire)

Strongman – 5 Rds

-       50 ft object carry & load onto sled, sprint back to start

-       50 ft object carry (heavier) & load onto sled, sprint back to start

-       50 ft object carry (heavier) & load onto sled, sprint back to start

-       Rope drag sled back to starting line

Thursday, 11/02/23


Speed – 8 min, every 30s

-       Front squats x2 @50%

Strongman – 8 Rds

-       Tire flips x5

-       Keg/sandbag/stone over bar x5

-       Keg/sandbag/stone Clean & Press x5

Speed – EMOM

-       Minute 1 – deadlifts x2 @45%

-       Minute 2 – deadlifts x4 @45%

-       Minute 3 – deadlifts x6 @45%

·      Get as far as you can, stop when you can’t keep up with the clock


Friday, 11/03/23


Speed – 10 min EMOM

-       Strict Overhead Press x3 @50%

-       Plyometric Pushups onto boxes x3

Conditioning – Tabatas

-       Battle ropes

-       Hollow rocks

-       Turkish get-ups

-       Static handstand/pushup holds

-       Med ball twists

·      Rest 1 minute between tabatas before moving on to the next


-       Any yoke variation you’d like to work on


Week of 11/6/23


Week of 10/23/23