Week of 10/9/23

MONDAY, 10/9/23


Conditioning – 10 Rds (can performed as an EMOM for an extra challenge)

-       Rd 1: 1 pull-up, 2 burpees, 3 pushups, 4 mountain climbers

-       Rd 2: 2 pullups, 4 burpees, 6 pushups, 8 mountain climbers

-       Rd 3: 3 pullups, 6 burpees, 9 pushups, 12 mountain climbers

-       Rd 4: 4 pullups, 8 burpees, 12 pushups, 16 mountain climbers

-       Rd 5: 5 pullups, 10 burpees, 15 pushups, 20 mountain climbers

-       Rd 6: 5 pullups, 10 burpees, 15 pushups, 20 mountain climbers

-       Rd 7: 4 pullups, 8 burpees, 12 pushups, 16 mountain climbers

-       Rd 8: 3 pullups, 6 burpees, 9 pushups, 12 mountain climbers

-       Rd 9: 2 pullups, 4 burpees, 6 pushups, 8 mountain climbers

-       Rd 10: 1 pull-up, 2 burpees, 3 pushups, 4 mountain climbers

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Front Squat x5 (building to a 5rm over the 5 sets)

-       V-ups x15

Assistance – 3 Rds

-       Db Bulgarian Split Squat x8e

-       Good Mornings x12

-       V-ups x15

Strongman – 10min EMOM

-       Tire flips x2

-       Bw squats remainder of minute


TUESDAY, 10/10/23


Conditioning – 5 Rds

-       Db Romanian Deadlift x12

·      30s battle ropes

-       Goblet Squat x10

·      30s battle ropes

-       Hang Clean x8

·      30s battle ropes

(rest 90s between rds)

Strongman – 10min EMOM

-       70ft yoke run @70% of personal best

Conditioning – 20, 15, 10, 5

-       Pullups

-       Pushups


WEDNESDAY, 10/11/23


Conditioning – 10 Rds

-       30s KB swing

(30s rest)

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Floor press x5 (building to a 5RM)

-       Med ball Russian Twists x30 (15 each side)

Assistance – 3 Rds

-       Log/Swiss Bar/Neutral-grip Db Bench x12

-       Dips xAMRAP

-       Cable Rope Triceps Extensions x12

Conditioning – 5 Rds

-       Suicide Sprints w/sled

Set up 3 markers at different distances, all the way through all 3 is one round. Can perform without a sled if not available

Ex: 30 ft forward-30 feet back, 40ft forward-40ft back, 50ft forward-50ft back=1 Rd


THURSDAY, 10/12/23


Speed – 10min EMOMs (there’s 2)

-       Squat x3 @50%

-       Bear walk down & back (or 50ft)

(after first 10min EMOM rest 3 minutes)

-       Deadlift x2 @50%

-       Box jumps x4

Strongman – 5 Rds

-       Work up to a max weight 50ft Zercher Yoke walk (can use just a barbell if no yoke, or a sandbag)

-       Leg raises x10

Strongman Volume – 6 Rds

-       50ft Zercher yoke walk @80% of today’s max

-       90s rest


FRIDAY, 10/13/23


Speed – 10min EMOM

-       Bench x3 @60%

-       Hollow rocks x12

Strongman – 30min time cap

-       Work up to a 1RM stone/object over bar -OR- stone/object to height (48-52”)

Strongman Volume – 3 Rds

-       Stone/object to height/over bar x5 @80% of today’s max

-       Bb rows x10

-       Hollow rocks x20


Week of 10/16/23