Week of 10/16/23

Monday, 10/16/23


Conditioning – 12 minute AMRAP

-       Db thruster x1

-       Burpee x1

·      add 1 rep to each exercise each rd, get as far as you can in 12 minutes-

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Deficit (3”) Deadlifts (build to a 1RM in 5 Rds)

-       Sit-ups x12

Volume – 3 Rds

-       Deficit (3”) Deadlifts x5 @80%

-       Sit-ups x12

-       Jump Rope x30(double unders)/120(normal)

Assistance – 3 Rds

-       Bb RDL x12

-       Good Mornings x15

-       KB Side Bends x15e


Tuesday, 10/17/23


Conditioning – 10 minute AMRAP

-       Pullups x3

-       Puhsups x5

-       Jumping squats x10

Strongman – 6 Rds

-       Tire Flips x60s

-       Battle Ropes x30s

-       Rest x30s

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Hang Cleans x8

-       Bb Row x12

-       Sumo Deadlift High Pull x10

-       Plank x60s

·      Work up to a top set in 5 Rds

·      Don’t drop the bar until all reps are completed each Rd


Wednesday, 10/18/23


Conditioning – 6 Rds

-       Keg/sandbag/med ball Clean & Press x30s (light)

-       Jumping Squats x30s

-       BW Man-makers x30s

-       Rest x30s

Strength – 5 Rds

-       Axle Continental Clean & Press (build to a 1rm)

-       Windshield wipers x8 each side

Volume – 3 Rds

-       Pullups x max reps

-       Axle Continental Clean & Press x5 @80%

Finisher – Add/Drop Set

-       Start with an empty bar and complete 6 reps, add an appropriate amount of weight and complete 6 more reps, keep repeating this resting only as long as needed to add weight until you reach a top set of 6 reps for the day, then repeat the jumps all the way back down to an empty bar –


Thursday, 10/19/23


Speed – 2, 10 min EMOMs

-       Squat x3 @65%

-       Burpees x4

·      Rest 3 minutes btwn EMOMs

-       Deadlift x3 @50% (add light band if possible)

-       Tuck Jumps x5

Strongman – 5 Rds

-       Sandbag shuttle runs

·      4 sandbags

-       Lightest sandbag run 50ft, drop, run back

-       Next heaviest sandbag run 50ft, drop, run back

-       3rd heaviest sandbag run 50ft, drop, run back

-       Heaviest sandbag run 50ft, drop, run back

-       = 1 Rd


Friday, 10/20/23


Speed – 10 min EMOM

-       Bench x3 @65% (add light bands if possible)

-       Mountain climbers x20

Assistance – 3 Rds

-       Pullups x max reps

-       Bb Rows x20

-       Good Mornings x15

-       Plank x2 min


-       Work up to a heavy Yoke run for the day

-       Yoke Runs @80% of the days top set x5


Week of 10/23/23


Week of 10/9/23