Week of 3/4/24

TEAM ISP Workouts

MONDAY, 3/4/24


Strength – 6+ rds

-       Box jumps x4

-       Deadlift x4

-       Turkish get-ups x3e

·       Rest 90s & add weight to deadlift

Assistance – 3 rds

-       Pendlay rows x5

-       Snatch-grip Deadlift x8

-       Snatch-grip shrugs x12

·       Rest 90s

·       Same bar/weight for all exercises, add weight to bar each rd

Conditioning – 10 min EMOM

-       Burpees x3

-       Farmer’s Walk x100ft


TUESDAY, 3/5/24


Strength – 6+ rds

-       Pullups/pulldowns x4

-       Overhead Press x4

-       Windshield Wipers x8

·       Rest 90s & add weight to overhead press

Assistance – 3 rds

-       Chin-ups/inverted rows x max reps

-       Z-press x6

-       Windshield Wipers x8

·       Rest 90s

Conditioning – 10 rds

-       Z-press x20s (light)

-       Rest 10s


THURSDAY, 3/7/24


Strength – 6+ rds

-       KB/Db Snatch x6e

-       Squat/Leg Press x4

-       Leg Raises x8

·       Rest 90s & add weight to squat/leg press

Assistance – 10 min EMOM

-       Front foot elevated split squat x5e (moderate weight)

Conditioning – EMOM (as many as necessary)

-       Burpees x4

-       Zercher Squat x remainder of minute (light)

·       Keep going until you’ve totaled 75 zercher squats

FRIDAY, 3/8/24


Strength – 6+ rds

-       Pendlay rows x4

-       Bench x4

-       Flutter Kicks x60s

·       Rest 90s & add weight to bench

Assistance – 3 rds

-       Landmine rows x5

-       Pin Bench Press x5

-       Flutter Kicks x60s

·       Rest 90s

Conditioning – 3 rds

-       Bench x max reps @50% of today’s top set


Nats Prep

*We are a strongman gym, so I have access to some equipment you may not. I will try to provide suggestions on alternatives, but feel free to ask questions*

MONDAY, 3/4/24


Strength – 8 min EMOM

-       Deadlifts x4 @65%

Assistance – 1 Rd

-       Good Mornings x1/fail

-       Reverse Lunges x1/fail

-       V-ups x1/fail

Strongman – 3 rds

-       Deadlift on stiff bar x2/fail @75%


TUESDAY, 3/5/24


Strength – total 24-30 on strict press

-       Pullups x2/fail

-       Strict Press x2/fail @75%

-       Suitcase Hold x30s/e

·       Rest 90s

Assistance – 3 rds

-       Lat Pulldowns x3/fail

-       Lat Raises x3/fail

-       Rear Delt Flyes x3/fail

Strongman – total 12-15 reps

-       Circus Db @85%


THURSDAY, 3/7/24


Strength – 12-15 reps on squat

-       KB Swings x5

-       Squat x1/fail @85%

-       Plank x45s

·       Rest 90s

Assistance – 2 rds

-       Hack squat x2/fail

-       Calf Raise x2/fail

-       Plank x30s

Strongman – 10 min EMOM

-       Yoke x50ft @65%


FRIDAY, 3/8/24


Strength – 10 min EMOM

-       Bench x3 @65%

-       Bench Leg Raises x10

Assistance – 1 rd

-       Bb Row x1/fail

-       Incline Bb Bench x1/fail

-       Bench leg Raises x1/fail

Strongman – 3 rds

-       Sandbag to shoulder & carry x50ft @75%


Week of 2/26/24